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"Top 10 Best Coaching Culture Podcast"

Ranked by Feedspot as one of the best Coaching Culture podcasts
from thousands of podcasts on the web by relevancy, authority,
social media followers & freshness.

In the first year of the pandemic, the global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by a massive 25%. Employers with workers who are experiencing mental health issues spend more than $5,500 on average in turnover costs per year
per employee. In addition, according to a late 2021 Gallup Survey; 85% of employees
are experiencing a level of disengagement at their workplaces, and 73% are actively looking for new employment. The Great Resignation for many has become
The Great Realization. It’s clear that mental health, well-being in the workplace,
and having an up-leveled consciousness are more important than ever, for both individuals and organizations. 


UpLevel Productions, one of the world’s most respected Leadership Transformation companies, has delivered impactful leadership and coach-training workshops to over 300 of the world’s most forward-thinking organizations. Through The UpLevel Podcast, one of the web's 10 Best Coaching Culture Podcasts, UpLevel Media extends its mission of creating a more conscious, compassionate, and humane world by providing accessible and engaging content. The UpLevel Podcast features episodes discussing leadership development, emotional, mental, physical & spiritual resilience, plus individual and organizational well-being. It brings together business and thought leaders, industry experts, and seasoned practitioners to share their knowledge and experiences, offering listeners actionable strategies to unlock their full potential. Predominantly hosted by the founders of UpLevel, Christie Mann, MA, CPCC, PCC, and on occasion Rachel Baldi, CPCC, PCC; two heart-centered leaders, on a mission to uplevel their clients, communities and themselves.


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